School lessons
Our project in Senegal aims to give disadvantaged children the chance of an education. In cooperation with a partner, we have built a school with 2 classrooms, an office and sanitary facilities for around 80 children.
However, the completion of the school alone is not enough to support the children in the long term. That is why we continue to finance the school by paying for 3 teachers and school materials. This is the only way we can ensure that children receive a high-quality education.
We believe that every child has the right to a good education, regardless of their background or financial situation. It is therefore important to us to continue this project and improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged children in Senegal.
Our aim is to continue working with our partner and other supporters to bring about lasting and positive change in the lives of these children. We are grateful for the opportunity to be involved in this important project and are determined to continue our efforts to give the children in Senegal a better future.
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