
Membership of Amanah Charity offers the opportunity to make a long-term and continuous commitment and to make a positive contribution. By regularly donating a membership fee, the donor enables the organization to plan reliably and helps to secure the organization’s work in the long term.

The membership fees cover administrative costs, rental costs, material costs for advertising campaigns and staff costs in the respective project countries to ensure that all other donations can be used directly for aid projects without deductions. In this way, we can make our work more effective and sustainable and achieve the greatest possible benefit for the people affected. Membership can also mean a long-term commitment to the organization. In this way, you can be part of a community that is committed to a good cause and help to raise awareness of global problems and the importance of aid and solidarity.

In our annual report, we provide transparent information on the use of membership fees in order to gain and maintain the trust of our members and donors. Annual reports and other information are always available on our website and on social media to show how the donations are being used and what progress and successes have been achieved.

Overall, membership offers an opportunity to make a long-term and continuous commitment and to help alleviate the suffering of people in need.

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